Anomaly Research Centre
Anomaly Research Centre
"I don't suppose you'd consider giving me a cool nickname would ya?"
This article's title is a nickname, based upon conjecture or similar.
The correct title is unknown.

The Activity Books are a series of merchandising books from the ITV series Primeval.

Ladybird Books



Front cover

The Funfile was made by Dorling Kindersley and was released in March 2008.

It is a diary and gives you puzzles, stickers and other things. On the front cover is a Therizinosaur which never appeared in the series. Other pictures in this FunFile including Stephen with a flock of dodos around him and a Giganotosaurus-looking creature scaring a shopper.

This Funfile gives information about the Series 1 characters including: Nick Cutter, Connor Temple, Abby Maitland, Helen Cutter, Claudia Brown and Captain Tom Ryan. Information on the creatures are also given like the Gorgonopsid, Scutosaurus, Mosasaur, Giant Spiders, Pteranodon, Future Predator and Rex.
